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Pass Me The Haribo!!!

Surely someone with bright ginger hair would stand out at school. Well, I didn’t. In fact, I think I was invisible and when PE was on the timetable I was! No way was I wearing that purple, nylon gymslip and making a fool of myself trying to jump over that horse thing in gymnastics.

I hated exercise most of my life, until thankfully, there was a time. I wasn’t looking for it, but my life changed. It began the day I was challenged to replace my daily fix of Haribo for dried fruit and to join Park Run.

Now, about ten years into treating myself to an almost daily dose of exercise. Don’t get me wrong, it’s nothing amazing or particularly long, but, I appreciate how a few minutes of pain, yes it does hurt, can positively impact the rest of the day.

Exercise and generally being active has taught me so much: I can achieve far more than the voice in my head tells me, exercise keeps me just as much mentally as physically fit, and even though I exercise I can’t consume too many Haribo. (still working on that one!).

People have always been an important part of my life and without these people I wouldn’t be achieving the way I am today:

Mark Reynolds – for getting me to ditch the Haribo and getting me started – I will always be thankful for you.

Ed Green field – for teaching me I can – you enjoyed it far more than I did!

David Savage – you helped me to go far beyond what I ever could imagine

The Seafront Smilers – you taught me the importance of exercise with friendship

Lorraine Cook – my true buddy

Kevin Nicholson – I actually enjoyed exercise with you shouting at me!

Joe Wickes – man of the moment

Colin Fozzard – my inspiration

My passion is to live my life to the full and where I can I want to encourage others on their journey. So, if you haven’t yet started to exercise or, if you have lost your mojo, give it (another) go.


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