Keeping it Together Retreat
A free retreat for the Keeping it Together network. Plenty of space and time to be alone, or chat with others in this wonderful retreat centre with beautiful gardens and space to spread out. Lunch and refreshments provided.

Time & Location
10 Oct 2022, 09:30 – 16:30
Shepherds Dene, Riding Mill, Northumberland NE44 6AF, UK
About the Event
Monday 10th October is International Mental Health Day and our second Keeping-It-Together retreat day at Shepherd's Dene in Northumberland.
Keeping-it-Together is a network of people in Christian ministry who are being attentive to their own wellbeing and building skills and knowledge to support others. Can I encourage you - as part of your working week, not a day off - to join us for this day of quietness, prayer, and reflection?
There will be a minimal structure to the day, with plenty of space and time to be alone, or chat with others. We will have short periods of input through the day for those who find it helpful.
Shepherd's Dene is a wonderful retreat centre, with beautiful garden and space to spread out. Lunch and refreshments will be provided.