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Gifts of Love began with one Church wanting to show the love of Jesus in a practical way at Christmas. What followed was a wonderful response from individuals in the Church who generously gave what they could in the way of everyday food items, mixed with the luxury Christmas food items many of us take for granted.


The items were carefully put together to make up beautiful, luxury hampers which were then gifted out to families in need at Christmas.


Each family was identified by Children’s services as the most vulnerable families who would benefit greatly from such a gift.


The hampers weren’t just a response to the need for food, but an act of kindness and a gift of love from the Church to the community.



Churches/schools/organisations/individuals wishing to donate:

  • Food items: Collect food donations which can be delivered to Sunderland Connect Network or collected by arrangement. 

  • Money towards the project  – visit or click donate above, please use reference ‘hampers’.  Cash donations can be collected by Louise or paid by bank transfer, contact Louise, see below for details.

Make a Hamper

  • Your church/school/organisation should identify a point of  contact to liaise with Louise, see below for details,  who will provide an information pack, baskets, wrapping and gift tags for the hampers.


Refer a family for a hamper

  • Details of referrals and their needs e.g. family hamper/single person hamper should be sent to Louise. Louise will match the list of referrals with the hampers made so that wherever possible the church or school positioned nearest to the family in need will distribute the hamper.

Meet Louise!  Louise is one of our trustees here at Sunderland Connect Network, she co-ordinates our Gifts of Love project

To get involved please contact Louise on 07980007690 or email



17th Oct to 4th Dec - Send food and/or monetary donations to Louise


By the 15th December - All hampers to be made and distributed (additional food items can be requested from Louise if required to complete hampers)


19th Dec - Project complete - well done and thank you everyone!


For those who want to be involved in making up the hamper together, we will also be opening up our doors here at Connect Network on the following dates:


Wednesday 30th November 6pm till 7pm

Monday 5th December 12pm till 2pm

Wednesday 7th December 10am till 12pm


Just call in:

St Andrews Methodist Church

Old Mill Road



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